CyberMaturity tool

How prepared is your organisation against cyber threats?

Cybersecurity is one of the key challenges facing the digitalisation of business and society. As the number and complexity of cyber-attacks as well as other malicious activity increases, it directly affects the efforts needed to maintain a sufficient level of cyber resilience in organisations. In order to survive this competition, organisations need to understand their strengths and weaknesses as well as develop their capabilities accordingly.

The first step is to understand the cybersecurity maturity level of your organisation. Based on this understanding, it is possible to take the next steps by developing the capabilities categorized as weak or insufficient. VTT’s CyberMaturity tool is a free-of-charge self-service web tool that produces a basic visualisation of your cybersecurity maturity level. It gives the baseline of your current cybersecurity capabilities and maturities in six main dimensions, which can then be used for recognizing the most important and urgent development targets depending on nature of the business and size of the organisation.

The six main dimensions of VTT’s CyberMaturity tool include management and governance, processes, people and culture, product security and external dependencies as well as information and operational technology.

Test the CyberMaturity of your organisation for free!

By taking a questionnaire, you will get:
- The cyber maturity level of your organisation. This tells you how prepared and resilient your organisation is against cyber-attacks and other incidents.
- Your cyber maturity level compared to the maturity level of other respondents. Please note that this does not necessarily mean that everything is ok, but at least it gives you some idea of the situation around you.

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